Here's the initial tasks
to perform in a Clarion SQL conversion project.
These tasks can be automated with our templates in done in minutes
on your application with our assistance.
Modify Files Headers
- Change Table Name
- Change Owner
- Remove Create Attribute
- Remove Encrypt Attribute
- Change File Driver
- Make sure table names are not reserved words
Modify data fields
- Make sure column names are not reserved words
Handle dates and time fields differently for SQL 2000,
2005 or 2008
Convert dimensioned fields to unique instance fields
in up to two dimensions.
Move memo fields inside the record structure when record
size is under 8k.
Convert field names in a manner that does force rewriting
the application.
Generate Clarion Code
Store the Server / Database name into a user configurable
- Establish the initial SQL connection.
- Generate SQL compatible code.
Generate SQL scripts
- Table creation
- Index creation from every key and index
- Grant Access
- Foreign Key Constraints from every file relationship
- Load existing data into SQL
Allow programs to be built as SQL or non-SQL through configuration,
not code changes to allow for separate environments for testing,
maintenance and distribution.
Mitten Software Can Help with Your SQL Development
Call 952-745-4941 and ask for Jim.
Please E-Mail us at: