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NewsOctober 11, 2018 Super Templates Updated to Support Clarion 11. June 20, 2011 Super Browse Upgraded to Suport Easy Column Sorting for SQL. Super Templates Updated. June 6 , 2011 Upgrades Released for Latest Clarion 8 Release. Super Templates Updated. July 11 , 2010 Upgrades Released for Latest Clarion 7 Release. Super Templates Updated. Jan 11 , 2010 Super Import/Export Updated. This adds a number of new features designed to save and reuse import/export templates that make data conversions without code a breeze.. August 7, 2009 Clarion App converted to SQL in under five minutes. Jim Morgan shows hows you can convert to SQL quickly. June 1, 2009 Data Collection on Windows CE portable device released. Device has a very simple interface for capturing barcodes and quantities for receiving and inventory functions. Collected transactions are uploaded to the main database on demand.. April 2, 2009 Flexible Web Survey Released. A product designed to deliver secure, flexible, scored survey was implemented at a specialized medical clinic. This allows patients to answer sensitive health questions at home or in the clinic and provide summary and exception analysis of the answers to medical professionals.. February 26, 2008 Flexible Web List Released at TechFuse. A very technical audience participated as data-driven web sites were rapidly developed. February 1, 2008 Numerous POS devices configured to perform credit and debit card processing, capture check and signature images. All certified for approval by major processing clearing house. January 14, 2008 Web-based Site Management hit sales milestone. More school districts keep adopting our software developed for comprehensive resource management. May 20, 2007 Task management moved to the web. Clients on support agreements and our programmers all over the world can access a centralized, secure central repository of tasks open and complete. Login to Task Manager (Account and Password required)May 2, 2007 Boxsoft announces that all Boxsoft products are Clarion 6.3 - Build 9056 compatible. The support for the Super Templates by Mike Hanson has always been excellent December 5, 2006 Programming relationship with Bulgaria initiated. Bulgaria has a strong history as a technology center. Many talented developers reside there who communicate in English. Recent law changes strengthen intellectual property protection. Portions of our projects can be developed overseas. Bulgaria joins India as one of our potential development sites in addition to our local support. January 27, 2004 New Features Added to Super Stuff v6.10 for the Clarion Template Chain. Included the Clarion 6 compatible version of the "MikeHanson" template chain. This was formerly the public domain template, and is now part of Super Stuff. The mhView templates are enhanced to include support for CPCS. Quicken-style date entry feature. The resize templates are more stable. Changed "Add Max Button" setting to display warning if the Developer didn't manually add the MAX attribute to the window format. This was required because assigning that parameter could invoke the state. Added support for MultiProject. December 5, 2003 The new Super Templates for C6 are released! Now available:
October 27, 2003 Windows-Based Facilities and Classroom Scheduling System for Schools Upgraded This Windows program used by hundreds of organizations has been upgraded to have additional payment handling options and a number of other enhancements. October 21, 2003 Internet-Based Facilities Scheduling System Released to Beta Testers This Internet Version of the popular Windows program allows customer to access a common calendar and request space for events. It handles various levels of security, conflict resolution and billing options. October 15, 2003 Expert System v4.1 released We've added major new features to an expert system to create e-mail and intelligently parse the replies. We added full support for user-controlled rules logic with user definable formulas, data extracts, graphs and reports. This system is in use by many major financial institutions. October 8, 2003 Super Templates and Clarion 6 We've essentially completed the conversion of our templates for Clarion 6. (Changes to the documentation are still being applied, and testing is continuing.) Although most of templates "worked" with Clarion 6 as-is, they were not completely compliant with the new threading paradigm. In the end, some of the templates required very few changes to accommodate the new version of Clarion, while others required fairly major modifications. The new templates will work with both Clarion 6 and Clarion 5.5, so that you don't need to worry about running with two different versions. We've dropped active support for Clarion 5 and previous versions. We'll attempt to help users when needed. We are currently testing all of these with C6-CR6. Soon after C6 goes gold, we'll release our completed templates. February 21, 2003 BoxSoft SuperSecurity 5.0 Released! We've released the latest major update of SuperSecurity Version 5.0. Due to the new features, we've added more fields to the SSEC::User file, along with a new file called SSEC::PwdLog. You must get all of this into your dictionary, along with converting your existing data files. For more information, see the SuperSecurity documentation under the section "Upgrading From Earlier Versions". All hard-coded windows have been moved into generated Window procedures, to enable better handling by Clarionet, etc. Due to this change, you ***MUST*** import C:\C55\SUPER\LIBSRC\SECURITY\LOGON.TXA into your base APP. Also, if you are not using global maps, then mark the newly-imported procedure as "Declare Globally" in its procedure properties. There's a new property called Security.FullAccess. If you want your users to logon, but for some reason you want to allow unlimited access throughout the program, then set this to True. Its value is checked with each call to Security.CheckAccess(...), so you can change the value on-the-fly. There's a new method called Security.PrepareFilenames. It's called from Security.LoadQs, which is executed before Security.Logon in your Main procedure. It's an empty virtual procedure that you can override to set your own variable filenames and owner attributes for the security files. (Some of you may have been using PrepareLogonOpenFiles to handle some of your file opens. This virtual method is now extinct. Please move any code from that method to the new one.) You must override the Security object to do this. For more information, see the Classes tab on the global extension. The Logon can happen automatically using the network username (as long as it matches a username in SSEC::User). Passwords are no longer restricted to 8 characters. The new default (when importing SECURITY.TXD) is 20 characters, and you can edit the field definition to a maximum of 50 characters. There is also an optional setting for minimum password length. You can set passwords to expire, so that the user must enter a new one. This comes from a global default, but can be changed on a per user basis (including no timeout at all). When entering a new password, previous passwords are remembered in SSEC::PwdLog, so the user can be forced to enter a unique password compared to the last "x" passwords and/or last "y" days. The new Password features include some new strings in STABSEC.TRN. If you have a custom version of this file in your development directory, make sure that you add these new lines. There's a new "Locked" feature to lock-out users from logging on. You can set the "Maximum Logon Failures", at which time the user is automatically locked out. When the Security system HALTs the program, you can execute some of your own code on the way out. You must override the Security object to do this. For more information, see the Classes tab on the global extension. We've improved support for run-time language translation. See Security.Translate in the docs for more information. When you're specifying the access door in the template settings, now you have the option to select the door from your own MyDoors.clw. The documentation has been updated to reflect all features in this and prior releases. This is accessible via online help, or you can read STABSEC.PDF in C:\C55\SUPER\DOC\. It also compiles clean under Clarion 6-EA2 and appears to function correctly. However, we haven't yet addressed all the issues with the new threading model. January 1, 2002 Mitten Software Delivers Manufacturing System A custom builder of complex wood products is using our system to perform order entry functions with complete order tracking through the order process of design, engineering, pricing and release to manufacturing. Sophisticated, flexible management statistics are captured and presented along the way. June 4, 2001 Expert System Enhanced for Large Companies Our expert system now can run large platforms using MS-SQL. Larger companies can run the program remotely on laptops or small networks in a non-SQL environment and replicate the results to the main computers. Users see no difference in functionality between the SQL and non-SQL product. November 11, 2000 Mitten Software Delivers a Data-Driven Expert System Expert systems have typically had their knowledge under control of the programmers. We have developed a system where the users control the knowledge base in the data. The system is designed for any structured investigation process with statistical analysis of the results. Users have almost complete control over:
This system is in use by over 50 companies. October 11, 2000 Boxsoft Template updates for CW Mike Hanson has just released updates for almost all the Super Templates. Passwords have changed. Generally, you are eligible for free updates for 90 days after any purchase or update (unless the price increases, then you just pay the difference). These updates support C55 and C5. This is the last official update to support C4. See Boxsoft Development for specific details included in these updates. Contact us to order - Sales: 952-745-4941 E-Mail us at: botblocker@heartinternet.uk April 18, 2000 Boxsoft Templates for CW5.5 Are Now Available Mike Hanson has just released updates for Super Browse, Super Invoice, Super QBE, Super Tagging. Super Security had been upgraded earlier (Nov99). Other product updates will be available soon. March 27, 2000 Developers Toolkit News As of April 1st, 2000 Software-By-Ragazzi is leaving the 3rd Party Clarion For Windows Arena so that he can focus his attention on other projects. As a result, Developer's Toolkit is no longer available. Software-By-Ragazzi is providing Developer's Toolkit for download to all currently registered users. For password and location of the download file, e-mail FullSource@Software-By-Ragazzi.com October 4, 1999 Accounting Example Source code price drop. Price on Example Source code just dropped! Get a full-blown accounting system or contact management software for limited cost. June 1, 1999 DataIntact After extensive testing dataIntact, has been deployed to manage the transfer of confidential payroll data from over 600 sites into a central pension fund administrator. The new system is realizing tremendous improvements in operations and member service. |