Super Templates for Clarion
Easy Ad Hoc Queries with Super QBE (Query by Example). for Clarion
- Use a wizard or forms style query.
- Store queries for later reuse.
- Improved performance and flexibility over earlier versions.
Perform query operations and automatically display the search results
in your browse.
- Built-in query wizard in addition to forms style query.
Use multiple Boolean operators like equals, not equals, begins with,
contains, less than, more than, inside range and more.
Tag all matching records, or display each record to optionally edit
- Toggle a Browse between showing "All" records or just "Tagged" records.
Add a filter to a Report or Process so that only tagged records
are used by the procedure.
- Use Super QBE as as advanced records locator.
Easily control various general options that impact the entire QBE
A Control template placed on a Form performs most searching operations
and interface control.
Super QBE
for only $275.